Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Adventure!!!

This week Jon, Itz and I will start a new adventure. For those of you who do not know Jon and myself have been wanting to move to Northern Kentucky so that we can be near some of our family. I got a job with the Little Red School House, this is a preschool where I will be able to be a teacher. This has been a dream of mine to be a teacher. I will start my New Job starts on Thursday, I am both excited and scared to be taking this big step. I know that it will all be ok but it is a big step in our life. We are excited to get to move to Northern Kentucky. I will keep you all updated with all the adventures that we get our selves into.

Friday, August 12, 2011

One Month Ago!!

One month ago we welcomed Lilah into our family. During that time I got to spend time with Brian. I am just now posting about this because life has been a bit on the crazy side but I will update you all on that later. But back to a month ago. Brian and I spet time at the hospital seeing Maria and Lilah, playing, going to the zoo, going to Conney Island, worked on cutting paper and took some naps. Here are some photos from what we did that week. (Sorry for the crazy lay out of the photos Sill have not figured this thing out.)